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5 Articles
European Commission
DSO Entity’s observations on the reform of the Electricity Market Design
On 3 May, DSO Entity submitted its observations on the proposal of the targeted reform of the Electricity Market Design ...
03 May 2023
Electricity Market Design
European Commission
DSO Entity answered the European consultation on Electricity Market Design
On 13 February, DSO Entity was pleased to share its observations on the Electricity Market Design Consultation. The repl...
13 February 2023
Electricity Market Design
European Commission
Public Consultation
Press Release: DSO Entity and ENTSO-E sign a Declaration of Intent to develop a Digital Twin of the European Electricity Grid
At an official ceremony today, DSO Entity and ENTSO-E signed a joint declaration marking the start of the development of...
20 December 2022
Declaration of Intent
Digital Twin
Electricity Grid
European Commission
DSO Entity and other European associations sign a Declaration on joint common principles to enhance consumer protection this winter
In the presence of the European Commission, DSO Entity together with other associations (BEUC, CEER, Eurelectric, Euroga...
12 December 2022
Consumer Protection
European Commission
Moving towards the creation of DSO Entity: statutes submitted for approval to ACER and European Commission
On 24 June 2020, the DSO Entity Statutes containing the rules of governance were formally submitted to the Agency for th...
09 July 2020
European Commission
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